my philosophy

Announcing Our 2014 Holiday Portrait Special!

The kids are back in school,

Pumpkin Spiced-Lattes are being sold like hotcakes,

that can only mean one thing….

We’re all going to blink and it’ll be January 1st, wondering, where did the time go!?!?

Before you get lost in a sea of high-calorie sweets and wrapping paper, its time to book your holiday portrait session! So dust off those chic boots you only get to wear twice a year and contact our studio to schedule your date TODAY!

We are already swamped for September and October & November will be no different.

These mini-sessions are perfect for your holiday cards, but we can build any portrait package you wish depending on your needs. We can also design and order your holiday cards for you – one less thing to do (hallelujah!!).

San Diego Holiday Photos

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