my philosophy

What I Love Right Now… Body Pump!

I’m not a girl who enjoys the gym. I grew up dancing, so exercise was always something I just happened to be doing while I was doing something that I loved. The idea of running on a treadmill or being stuck on a spin bike makes me want to curl up on the couch with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s. But a few years ago I took up running outside and have since finished 2 half marathons and a bunch of 5 & 10ks.

As much as my cardiovascular system was in amazing shape, I still wasn’t seeing the kinds of results in my body that I expected after being able to run 13 miles straight (twice!). After moving to Orange County last summer, I got a gym membership at 24 Hour Fitness. This is when the heavens opened up and I was introduced to Body Pump.

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Body Pump is a weight lighting class set to music. Originally adopted by Les Mills, just like a dance class you have to follow a certain rhythm with each set of weights. Its starts with a warmup, then squats, chest, triceps, back, biceps, lunges, shoulders and finally core. Each muscle group lasts about a song and in between you switch up the weight on your bar.

Since the instructors lead the class, its keeps my attention and the hour just flies by. The format keeps me working through the burn, because lets be honest – who wants to be the one person in the class who isn’t following along?

I have to admit that Body Pump is actually fun! Go figure! I never thought I would be a girl who liked lifting weights, but I am finally starting to see the toning results I’ve always wanted. To all the serious weight lifters out there, Body Pump probably seems like the Kindergarden of workouts. But! It works for me and its what I love right now.

To find your local 24 Hour Fitness click, here.

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